University policy (EN)

On this page you will find two topics:
1. how is the student representation organized?
2. how is the faculty organized?
You can also see where we are involved as a student association.

1. Structure of the Student Representation

The best way to explain university politics is through the student representatives and their activities. We would like to introduce those to you below.

  -  Fachschaft
  -  Student Council
  -  Fachschaftenrat
  -  Allgemeiner studentischer Ausschuss

  -  School Council (Fakultätsrat)
  -  Studienfakultätsrat
  -  Studienzuschussgremium

  -  Qualitätsmanagement Zirkel










Our Party

Our State Parliament

Our Federal Assembly

Our Student Government

You will get a good overview in this video:

Die Fachschaft (The student association) - "Our Party"

The Student Association represents all students of the Department of Biosciences at the TUM School of Life Sciences. It participates in student co-determination and self-administration and thus represents the study-related interests of its members. If you would like to know who is currently active in the student association, please visit our “members page”.

Student Association General Assembly (FVV)
Once every semester, usually at the beginning, the student association plenary meeting takes place. This is where we active members inform all those interested in our student association about what happened in the previous semester and what is coming up in the current semester.
All lectures should be canceled during the FVV so that everyone has the chance to attend. If a lecturer does not cancel a lecture, please let us know.

Student General Assembly (SVV)
The student assembly also takes place once a semester, usually shortly after the FVV. This is where members of the FSR and AstA Executive Board provide information on what is happening in the wider university policy and student context. The plenary assembly is for all WZW students and takes place almost simultaneously at all TUM locations.

Student Council Weihenstephan (SCW)

The representatives of all WZW student associations meet regularly in the SCW to exchange ideas. What is currently happening in the respective student associations? What's going on on campus? What events are coming up?
Activities such as parties, the university election or Freshers' Days are planned together and implemented on campus. Here, too, all information and problems from the university policy committees are incorporated. Perhaps the SCW is best described as the WZW state parliament in terms of university policy.

Further information about the SCW can be found here:

Fachschaftenrat (FSR) - "Our Federal Assembly"

The Fachschaftenrat meets every 3 weeks and is the highest inter-faculty student body (i.e. only students and no TUM employees take part). In terms of university policy, it is the parliament of all student associations. Each of the TUM student associations sends one or more representatives to the FSR to represent the student association. The FSR board is made up of students from a wide range of disciplines. Each board member is responsible for one or more specific areas and often represents the students in other university policy committees.

The heads of the various departments (e.g. mobility department, diversity department, event technology) also take part in the meetings.